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Winclone is Mountain Lion Ready

Winclone is Mountain Lion Ready

Apple's OS upgrade to Mountain Lion is almost here. With hundreds of new features you are probably thinking of upgrading. If you are taking advantage of the latest and greatest, then you need to make backups. The easiest way to backup your bootcamp partition is with Winclone.

Steps to upgrade to Mountain Lion

  • Backup your bootcamp partition with Winclone.
  • Backup your hard drive.
  • Install Mountain Lion from the Apps Store.
  • Check your bootcamp partition. It should run like clockwork. If your bootcamp partition was corrupted during the upgrade, then restore your bootcamp partition using Winclone.
  • At this point you should be up and running with Mountain Lion. You may need to restore your Mac software and data from your backups, if something or other goes awry.

What if you discover Mountain Lion is incompatible with your software?

  • Restore your old operating system.
  • Check your bootcamp partition. Barring squirrel monkeys and the inevitability of Murphy's Law, everything should work. If not, restore your bootcamp partition using Winclone.

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