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High Sierra Winclone 6 Support

Winclone 6 has been updated to support High Sierra. This support article covers the changes in Winclone 6 to support High Sierra:

Support for APFS

APFS is new filesystem that replaces HFS+.  APFS also replaces the volume manager from Core Storage to APFS.  While Windows is not aware of APFS, a Boot Camp partition must be created on a disk that is managed by the APFS.  Apple has updated both Disk Utility and Boot Camp Assistant to support APFS.  When  a Boot Camp partition is created in an APFS managed disk, it is created as a partition outside the management of APFS.  Disk Utility and Boot Camp Assistant (as well as the diskutil command line utility) are aware of AFPS and create the Boot Camp partition correctly.  For Macs with Fusion drives, they are not currently converted to APFS. They are left as Core Storage and should behave the same as prior versions of macOS.

Changes To System Integrity Protection (SIP)

SIP was introduced in 10.11 and any application from writing directly to the raw disk.  This prevented Winclone from updating the master boot record and it was required to disable SIP in order to make Windows bootable after a new Boot Camp partition was created.  However, in macOS 10.13 High Sierra, disabling SIP is no longer required on recent Macs running Windows 8 or Windows 10.  When a new Boot Camp partition is created on High Sierra, the raw disk does not need to be updated and Winclone can make Windows bootable without writing to the raw disk.  Note that for older Macs (generally before 2014) or for Windows 7, SIP must still be disabled to correctly set the disk as bootable.  Winclone will warn you if SIP needs to be disabled.

Winclone Pro has also been updated so that packages created for deployment can create Boot Camp partitions on APFS.  

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