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Translating Boot Runner


If you are interested in converting Boot Runner to your language, follow these simple steps. There are four files that should be translated using the instructions below. It is important that you test the language translation by running the app once the files have been translated, so please run Boot Runner to verify that the dialogs and text are correct. Thank you.

Files to be translated:

/Library/PreferencePanes/Boot Runner.prefPane/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/Boot_Runner.strings
/Library/PreferencePanes/Boot Runner.prefPane/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/Localizable.strings

/Library/PreferencePanes/Boot Runner.prefPane/Contents/Resources/Boot Runner Menu.app/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/Localizable.strings
/Library/PreferencePanes/Boot Runner.prefPane/Contents/Resources/Boot Runner Menu.app/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/MainMenu.strings


Application Bundle

Make sure that you have successfully installed Boot Runner. Then navigate to /Library/PreferencePanes/ and locate the Boot Runner pref pane. Control-click on Boot Runner.prefpane and select Show Package Contents.


Contents Folder

You should see a Contents folder. Open that folder as well.


Resources folder.

All the language files are in the Resources folder. Open that folder.


Duplicate English.lproj

Select the folder called "en.lproj" and copy to the desktop. Since en.lproj is a read-only folder, dragging the folder to the desktop will create a new copy.

Language Name

Rename the new folder from "en.lproj copy" to the ISO 639-1 code (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes) followed by ".lproj". For example, Spanish would be "es.lproj".


The documents that require translation in this folder are "Boot_Runner.strings" and "Localizable.strings". Using TextEdit, drag one of the files to be edited onto of the TextEdit application to open it.


Each line that needs to be translated has a comment before it (seperated by /* and */). You do not translate the comment. The comment is just to give some additional information about where the next line is used in the app. The lines that requires translation are the lines that follow the format of quoted text, then an equal sign, then quoted text again. The first quoted text should be left in English, and the quoted text after the equal sign needs to be translated.


For example, these 4 lines are translated to Spanish. Note that the comment is not translated, and that the text to the left of the equal sign is in English, and the text to the right of the equal sign has been translated to Spanish.


Add to folder

After completing translation of the "Boot_Runner.strings" file, use the same procedure to translate the file "Localizable.strings". Now copy the entire lproj folder back to the Resources folder. In our example of translating to Spanish, this is the contents of the Resources folder after the es.lproj translation has been added:


Show Package Contents

Now we will do the same procedure with two files within the Boot Runner Menu app. Control-click on the "Boot Runner Menu" file in the same Resources folder.


Copy en.lproj folder

Like the previous example with the Boot Runner.prefpane file, there is a Contents folder. Open Contents and then open the Resources folder. Select the folder called "en.lproj" and copy to the desktop. Since en.lproj is a read-only folder, dragging the folder to the desktop will create a new copy.

Repeat translation steps

Now repeat the same steps used above to rename the en.lproj folder to appropriate language abbreviation and open the folder to view the files inside. "Localizable.strings" and MainMenu.strings" are the files to be translated. Use the steps above to open the files in TextEdit to make the text changes.

Testing Boot Runner

After completing the translation and moving the lproj folder into the Resources folder, go to System Preferences and open the Boot Runner preference pane. You should see that Boot Runner is now localized (assuming that you have selected your language in Language & Text in System Preferences).


  1. Do you use quotes if you can avoid it. If you must use quotes, then make sure to add a backslash before the quote like this: \"
  2. If Boot Runner does not seem to be working after you localize it, drag your localized files to your desktop, and add in fresh copies of the english versions. Then copy and paste in your translation line by line, checking to see if it launches after each paste and save. This will help you identity where a syntax error may be.
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