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Setting up Bleu Station with the Bleu Setup iOS App

Bleu Station devices contain the following settings: name, UUID, major number, minor number, beacon power, and password,. If you do not have a Bleu Station device, you can view the example entry in the Bleu Setup iOS app.

After connecting a Bleu Station device to a power source and opening up the Bleu Setup app, the Bleu Station will be detected and a random number is assigned by iOS device and will appear under the heading BLEU STATIONS. If no Bleu Stations are in proximity, Bleu Setup will display only the Example Bleu Station.

Bleu Setup First Launch

By design, iOS assigns a random sequence of characters to an unknown or unpaired Bleu Station device. After configuring a Bleu Station for the first time, the custom name you assign it will appear in the list of Bleu Stations on the main Bleu Setup page. Other iOS devices that have not paired with the Bleu Station will not show this custom name as it is device-specific. Until the beacon device has been selected or previously paired with your iOS device, the name will show as "unknown" or a random sequence of numbers. So beacons that were set up with a different iOS device running Bleu Setup will still show a random character set or "unknown" in the main Bleu Setup view until selected for editing in Bleu Setup and then saved. Saving the beacon information, even if no changes were made, will display the Bleu Station name on the main Bleu Setup panel.

Enter default password

Tap on the entry under BLEU STATIONS and a password prompt will appear. The default password is "qwerty123". You will have the opportunity to change this password. Click Done to continue.

Example Bleu Station Details

Bleu Station Details shows the various identifiers and settings for the Bleu Station selected previously. The Example Bleu Station details cannot be modified as it is provided only as an example, not an actual Bleu Station. The setting for Name will display in the list of Bleu Stations once the detail page has been saved. UUID, Major/Minor numbers, password and longitude/latitude settings may be changed.


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