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Imaging for Mass Deployment

The package creation feature in Winclone Pro 4 and Winclone Pro 5 makes Boot Camp deployments easier than ever.  Wrap an existing Winclone image and install as a package using your favorite mass deployment tools.  Please see Deploy Boot Camp as a Package.

With the package creation feature, you can:

- Create a unique identifier for the package

- Specify a version number

- Auto-create a Boot Camp partition based on selected percentage of total disk space

- Auto-create a Boot Camp partition based on specified partition size

- Skip partition creation and restore to an existing Boot Camp partition 

To mass deploy a Winclone image using previous deployment methods, please see using Winclone Pro with JAMF Casper Suite to image a lab of dual-boot Macs and using Winclone Pro with Deploy Studio to image a lab of dual-boot Macs.

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