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Running Winclone from the Command Line

Open Utilities-> Terminal to view the Winclone command line options by typing: 


Winclone Pro users should modify the path to be:

/Applications/Winclone\ Pro.app/Contents/Resources/winclone_helper_tool

An example create image command sequence is: 

sudo /Applications/Winclone.app/Contents/Resources/winclone_helper_tool -c -p /dev/disk0s4 -j /Applications/Winclone.app/Contents/Resources -n ~/Library/Application\ Support/Winclone/license -o ~/Desktop/YourImage.winclone

When creating the script, remember to give the file root ownership and set as executable.

An example restore image command sequence is:

sudo /Applications/Winclone.app/Contents/Resources/winclone_helper_tool -r -p /dev/disk0s4 -j /Applications/Winclone.app/Contents/Resources -n ~/Library/Application\ Support/Winclone/license -o ~/Desktop/YourImage.winclone

When creating the script, remember to give the file root ownership and set as executable.

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