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Migration Scenarios

Migration Scenarios

Boot Camp to Image to Boot Camp 

The most common imaging scenario is to create a Winclone image of Boot Camp as part of a backup strategy or to use as a source for Boot Camp migration.  This scenario is a two-step operation. 

First, select the Boot Camp partition in the Sources column, then select Save Image in the Destination window, then click the Save Image... button.  

After creating the image, it may be restored to Boot Camp, shared on the network to restore to other Mac hosts, copied as a file to another Mac to migrate Boot Camp or deployed to multiple remote Mac systems using mass deployment applications.  

Target Disk Mode 

A Mac in Target Disk Mode attached to a host Mac via Firewire or Thunderbolt cable can be a Source for migrating Boot Camp to a Winclone image or directly to the host Mac Boot Camp partition.  Winclone will detect the attached Mac's Boot Camp partition and present it as a Source option.  Select the Destination option as usual and proceed with imaging. 

PC to Boot Camp 

A real PC can be transferred, entirely intact, to Boot Camp using Winclone.  The transfer requires removing the PC drive from the containing PC, attaching a SATA-to-USB adapter and connecting the USB cable to the host Mac.  Winclone will detect the attached Windows drive and make this system available as a Source for migration to a Winclone image or to Boot Camp.  

Remote Boot Camp to Local 

A Mac on the network can be used as a Source for disk-to-disk direct migration of Boot Camp.  On the host Mac, install Winclone, select Winclone-> Preferences from the Finder and select the checkbox "Share Winclone Images on the network".  This selection will make available on the network any stored Winclone images as well as the Boot Camp partition of the Mac host.  

From another Mac on the same network, install Winclone and locate the remote Mac in the Sources column.  Selecting the remote Mac will initiate a connection request displayed in a dialog box on the remote Mac display.  Authenticate and authorize the connection from the remote Mac.  

On the other Mac, the available Winclone images and Boot Camp hosted by the remote Mac should be accessible in the Sources column.  Select the remote Boot Camp as a Source, then select the local Boot Camp partition as the Destination and proceed as usual by clicking the "Restore to Volume" button.  

This method skips the intermediary step of creating a Winclone image, saving time and required storage space.  

Remote Image to Local 

WInclone images stored on a remote Mac can be used as migration sources for the local Boot Camp partition.  On the host Mac, install Winclone, select Winclone-> Preferences from the Finder and select the checkbox "Share Winclone Images on the network".  This selection will make available on the network any stored Winclone images.  

From another Mac on the same network, install Winclone and locate the remote Mac in the Sources column.  Selecting the remote Mac will initiate a connection request displayed in a dialog box on the remote Mac display.  Authenticate and authorize the connection from the remote Mac.  

On the other Mac, the available Winclone images hosted by the remote Mac should be accessible in the Sources column.  Select a remote Winclone image as a Source, then select the local Boot Camp partition as the Destination and proceed as usual by clicking the "Restore to Volume" button.  

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