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The Twocanoes forum is the best place to find information about Winclone, Boot Runner, or any other software. Post a question or share information about Twocanoes Software products. We will attempt to answer any unanswered questions within 2-3 business days. If you need an answer more quickly, consider upgrading to Pro Support for 1 business day response time. Winclone can be upgraded to Winclone Pro right in the app.

If you have Winclone Pro, submit a request on the Pro Support page.

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Installing Winclone

After purchasing Winclone or Winclone Pro, an email message is automatically sent to the associated email address.  

This confirmation will contain a link to download the Winclone installer and license key file.  

  1. Locate and double-click on the .dmg file to open the installation window and Winclone package file (.pkg).  
  2. To begin installation, click Continue.  
  3. Enter your computer account password to authenticate.  
  4. Click the Close button following successful installation.

To authorize your copy of Winclone, open Winclone Preferences and click the Select button under the License Information section.

Select the downloaded license key file and select Open to authorize.


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