Welcome to Twocanoes Knowledge Base

The Twocanoes forum is the best place to find information about Winclone, Boot Runner, or any other software. Post a question or share information about Twocanoes Software products. We will attempt to answer any unanswered questions within 2-3 business days. If you need an answer more quickly, consider upgrading to Pro Support for 1 business day response time. Winclone can be upgraded to Winclone Pro right in the app.

If you have Winclone Pro, submit a request on the Pro Support page.

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System Requirements

Winclone 6 requires macOS 10.11+.  Winclone 5 requires 10.9+. Winclone 4 requires 10.9 or higher including macOS Sierra. Winclone 3 macOS 10.7 or higher including 10.10 Yosemite. If you wish to purchase Winclone 3, 4, or 5,  go ahead and buy Winclone 6 Standard or Winclone 6 Pro and request a link to the earlier version by emailing support@twocanoes.com.  Let us know your license number and we will give you access to the older version of Winclone.

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