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Creating Passes In Bleu Meetings

Event passes support images for logo, icon, strip, background and thumbnail.
If you specify a strip image, don’t use a background image or a thumbnail. Bleu Meetings offer the strip image version of the Event Pass as described in Apple's Passbook Programming Guide.


Copyright © 2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Image Sizes


160x50 pixels

Strip Image

320x84 pixels

Thumbnail Image

90x90 pixels

Front of Pass Image Guidelines

Event passes support images for logo, icon, strip, background and thumbnail.
If you specify a strip image, don’t use a background image or a thumbnail. The diagram below shows the two different modes: with background image vs. with strip image.

This event pass layout uses areas that have defined spaces and dimensions. You may use images that have differing dimensions, but the result will be a cropped image. Ideally you should prepare your images to be as close to the dimensions of these areas as possible.

The logo image, located in the top left corner, has 160x50 pts, but is recommended to be slightly narrower.

The strip image is displayed behind the primary fields and should be 320x84 pts.

The thumbnail image on the front of the pass should be 90x90 pts with aspect ratio in the 2:3 to 3:2 range, otherwise it will be cropped.




Back of Pass Guidelines
The back of the pass doesn’t contain images, but background color specified for the front will appear in the top margin of the back of the pass.

The back of the pass provides additional text space. Bleu Meetings provides five sections for heading and text information, but more may be added as needed. The Special Alert section is designated as a special field that will display on the lock screen when sending a push from the main meeting page. This field can also be accessed from the main meeting page for convenience. After the push, this message will not appear again until the text is altered and a new push is sent.

If you have questions or problems, please contact support@twocanoes.com.

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