Welcome to Twocanoes Knowledge Base

The Twocanoes forum is the best place to find information about Winclone, Boot Runner, or any other software. Post a question or share information about Twocanoes Software products. We will attempt to answer any unanswered questions within 2-3 business days. If you need an answer more quickly, consider upgrading to Pro Support for 1 business day response time. Winclone can be upgraded to Winclone Pro right in the app.

If you have Winclone Pro, submit a request on the Pro Support page.

Our knowledge base has moved.


Other Payment Options

Twocanoes accepts payments via PayPal, Purchase Order, Credit Card, or Wire Transfer.  
PayPay / Credit Card
US Customers are not required to create a PayPal account to purchase our hardware or software via PayPal. When checking out, select the option to not create an account. If you prefer not to use PayPal, please see below for other payment options.
Purchase Orders
Yes, we accept purchase orders!  If you require a quote prior to sending a purchase order, please send us an email to accounting@twocanoes.com and we’ll get the quote out to you.  If you are creating a purchase order, here is some additional information you may need:


Twocanoes Software, Inc.

33 ½ W. Jefferson Avenue
Naperville, IL 60540

Illinois Tax Exempt 

For our Illinois tax-exempt customers, we will need a scan of your current tax certificate in order to process tax-exempt orders. The certificate from the State of Illinois contains an 8-digit Tax ID number. We do not accept FEINs as federal certificates are not relevant for state sales tax.

Our online payment process does not accomodate tax-exemptions, so if you prefer to pay just the tax-exempt amount rather than receive a reimbursement after full payment, then please place a purchase order instead of using the online payment process. Please send purchase orders to orders@twocanoes.com.

Credit Card
If you wish to pay by credit card and are not able to use PayPal, please send an email to support@twocanoes.com and we will send out a invoice from Fresh Books that allows you to pay with your credit card. It may take up to 1 business day to process your request.
The invoice will allow you to pay online with a credit card without using PayPal. Once the payment is processed, a link to download the software will be sent directly to your contact email within 1 business day.
If you have any questions about purchasing, please send an email to support@twocanoes.com and we will get back to you within 1 business day.


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