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Setting up Boot Camp with Boot Runner

Setting up Boot Camp with Boot Runner 

Adding a new volume to Boot Runner is easy. Follow the steps below to add your Boot Camp partition to Boot Runner.


Add Volume using '+' sign

Enter in the Boot Camp Name or Identifier

For this example, we will enter in 'disk0s4' which is the partition slice for Boot Camp on our machine:


Create a Volume Label

This is the label that end-users will see on the Boot Runner selection screen. For this example we will use Windows:

Select the Operating System Icon

If Boot Camp is mounted in OS X, you can select "Auto Detect". For this example we will select Windows 8. This will determine the icon that end users see on the Boot Runner selection screen: 

Create Popover Text

This is the text that users when see when they select the volume on the Boot Runner selection screen. Examples include listing software that students will use on this volume or class information: 

Apply Settings

Click 'Apply' to make sure your Boot Camp setup is saved in Boot Runner:

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