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"No Boot Camp Partition Found" error

Winclone Basic users may get an error when trying to create an image or restore an image stating that "No Boot Camp Partition Found!".  There are two possible causes for this error:

  1. No Boot Camp partition is detected on the internal drive.  If the Boot Camp partition is present and mounted on the desktop, the error may be due to installed third-party NTFS drivers that are blocking access to the Boot Camp partition and causing detection to fail.  Uninstall the third-party NTFS drivers and try again.
  2. The Boot Camp volume is located on a secondary or external drive.  Winclone Basic is limited to cloning and restoring Boot Camp partitions located on the primary internal drive.  Winclone Standard and Winclone Pro support cloning and restoring Boot Camp on secondary internal or external drives.  

If you need technical support, please copy the output of Utilities-> Terminal command: 

diskutil list

and send to support@twocanoes.com

Upgrade from Winclone Basic to Winclone Standard

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