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Build an Attendee List in Bleu Meetings

This article covers creating and managing the Attendee list in Bleu Meetings.  Please also see Getting Started with Bleu Meetings and Creating Passes in Bleu Meetings for more information.  

The Invite email contains event information as well as Passbook (iOS) and Passwallet (Android) passes associated with the event.  The Attendee list is used to distribute the Invite email to participants.

To the right of the Attendees heading will be a status indicator that displays the number of slots available for adding attendees.  This is the current maximum number of Attendees you may invite.  To add email addresses to the list, click the Add button.  If you need more attendee slots, click the Upgrade link to purchase more. 

Attendee names and email addresses may be added manually or uploaded as a list in csv format.  A template for the list is provided in the Get Template link.

Creating the list

Once attendees have been added to the list, you may choose to send invite emails or continue building your attendee list.  You may edit the randomly generated bar code assigned to each attendee.  If you need global control over editing of the attendee list, it is recommended to build your list first in the template file, then upload the file to the list.

Updating an existing list

When using the template file for building the attendee list, you may add to the list and re-upload to Bleu Meetings.  The key field for an attendee record is the email address field.  If the name fields or bar codes are changed but the email address remains the same, re-uploading the list will change the existing attendee record without duplicating records.  However, if the email address is changed and the list re-uploaded, the existing record will remain and a new record with the new email address will be created.  To avoid unnecessary duplication, make sure to delete the original in cases where the email address is changed or updated. 

Testing Invite email and pass

To test sending an invite email with the pass link, add the email addresses of your testing team to the attendee list. Use the Send button located in each Invite column for individual email sending. A green status bar above the list will display the number of invites queued or sent.  Refresh the page to see updated status for the list.  Once the email has been successfully sent out, the Invite column will display Sent status.  The Registration column will display "Unconfirmed" until the attendee has clicked the link for the pass contained in the invite email.  Once the link has been clicked, the Registration status will display "Confirmed".  

Sending the Invite email to Attendees

Once you are ready to send out the meeting pass, click the button "Send Invites to All" at the top of the list.  A green status bar above the list will display the number of invites queued or sent.  Refresh the page to see updated status for the list.  Once the email has been successfully sent out, the Invite column will display Sent status.  The Registration column will display "Unconfirmed" until the attendee has clicked the link for the pass contained in the invite email.  Once the link has been clicked, the Registration status will display "Confirmed".

 Resending Invite emails

You may continue building the list and then send invites only for those to whom an invite email has not yet been sent.  You may also resend invite emails to all who have not downloaded the pass from the email link by clicking "Resend Invites to Unconfirmed". You may also resend the invite email to all attendees.  


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